I'm Mason Bush

An Enthusiastic

Software Developer

Who am I?

I am an enthusiastic software engineer. Skilled in full stack development using multiple skills and frameworks including Javascript, SQL, and REST, with the understanding of object oriented progamming concepts. Driven to find creative solutions to complex problems by thinking creatively and refusing to give up. I seek new challenges and awesome teams that allow me to apply my versatile skill set.

What are my skills?







Node JS


Material UI



What Have I Been Up To?

  • shortflix


    Created A Netflix clone for short films and fan films. You can upload your own films and rate other films submitted. The score is determined by the average of all votes, and each user may only vote once per video.
    Check it out! email: admin@admin.com password: admin

    Skills Used

    Time Frame

    4 Days

  • half reddit


    A reddit clone with features such as: user creation, subreddit creation, subreddit content shown only in its respective subreddit, ability to upload images and videos, and upvote or downvote others' post! Each user can only upvote or downvote a post once. Trying to do so again results in removing the vote.

    Skills Used

    Time Frame

    4 Days

  • tundra


    Tundra is an ecommerce application that was built with a team of 3, including myself. Some of the features of Tundra include: user authentication, the ability for a user to add an item to their cart or remove one, and a functional checkout page to purchase the items in your cart. Another feature of Tundra is a purchase history page which displays your recent purchases including order number, purchased items, and the total price.
    Check it out! username: admin password: admin

    Skills Used

    Time Frame

    4 Days

Get In Touch!